May 11, 2022
Street team article

3 Reasons Why Every Author Needs a Street Team

Getting people talking about your product is a crucial ingredient in any successful marketing campaign. Otherwise, how will people know about it? It’s a simple enough equation: people talking = hype = sales. Admittedly, I was never very good at […]
May 25, 2021
Create a book launch

4 Steps to Create a Successful Book Launch

Publishing a book is an exciting time but can be stressful if there is no clear plan to create a successful book launch. The book launch is so important that starting the process early allows authors enough time to research […]
September 8, 2020
email marketing for authors

Does Email Marketing for Authors Work?

Email marketing is a strategy where a company or individual sends information or promotions through email with the hope of developing a relationship with potential customers. It’s the first step in building trust with an individual and converting them into […]
December 15, 2019
Podcast equipment for authors

Podcast Equipment for Authors

In our last article Starting an Author Podcast, we shared how podcasting is something authors should consider as a way to grow their audience and create shareable content.  In this second article we wanted to discuss the equipment needed to […]