Stress Free Book Marketing talks with author Fabiola Berry about her book Acquiesce to Love Peace Gratitude which shares a journey of self discovery after a tumultuous relationship.
SFK- Tell me about your latest book and why you wrote it
FB- I was inspired to write, Acquiesce to Love Peace Gratitude to explain, through a story, the connection between present emotions and past events. It is easier to identify with solutions when someone experiences difficulties and demonstrates the process that finds a way out.
SFK- What do you hope to accomplish now that the book is out?
FB- If only one person finds benefit from what I wrote, I have accomplished something. Reading one of my several critics on amazon who wrote: ‘A must read if you want to stop struggling and start being happy. This book is divine intervention and resonated with me in so many levels. This is an inspiring book that will motivate you to better your life, on many levels, and help you find your path to positivity. I found it difficult to put down.’
SFK- When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?
FB- I was on a holiday, skiing in the Dolomite Mountains, Italy. I decided there and then, I was going to terminate my interior architecture business on my return, and I was going to write. Why? I don’t know.
SFK- How many hours a day do you write?
FB- This may sound strange, but I write initially in my mind and once I have resolved how I am going to approach the story, I begin to write physically. I normally write 4 full hours every day until I finish the book.
SFK- What is your favourite childhood book?
FB- It has to be ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. A talking fox, a rose which gave opinions about love…. Wow! It was me on that planet…
SFK- What is something you can’t live without?
FB- My pussycats.
SFK- What is your favourite line from a movie?
FB- I love vintage movies, and my favourite quote is from Gloria Swanson. ‘ I think all this talk about age is foolish. Every time I am a year older, everybody else is too’
SFK- If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would that be and would you have listened?
FB- ‘Live in the present moment, the past is only a memory, and the future doesn’t exist.’ Would I have listened? Probably not.
SFK- Favourite hobbies?
FB- Love swimming, once in the water, everything is forgotten. Love skiing too, the mountain, the snow don’t allow you to think about anything else. Books are my best friends and a hobby.
SFK- What item, that you don’t have already, would you most like to own?
FB- Jepara Pallavine, it’s a gem from an asteroid that fell 40 million years ago in what is Java, Indonesia, today.
SFK- If you could visit any place in the world where would you choose to go?
FB- I am always ready to visit Venice. Venice is a dream made reality. Venice feels surreal during winter, I must add.
Fabiola has studied self-help philosophies over a long period of time, and has discovered simple steps to follow, which alleviate anxiety and stress. Her intention in writing this book is to demonstrate in simple words, the different methods available to recover emotional wellbeing. Her book is available online and with retailers worldwide.
Born in South America, Fabiola Piedad Maria Alicia Reynales de Berry uses of her long name is to honour her grandmother. She studied interior architecture and had her business for several years. She loves all art forms, photography, classical music, oriental painting, calligraphy and sandstone sculptures.Fabiola is also an advocate for the environment and animal rights. She currently lives in Australia.